Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May '23- Week 2- McKenna Choir Concert, McKenna Band Concert, Dan TBRI Training, Ben baseball, Laura Subbing, Mother's Day

May 8th- Monday: I exercised then got the kids ready.  They all had dental cleanings. Bethany had one small cavity in a baby tooth molar that he was able to fill right then!  I took the kids to school and Alice did Upstart and I showered and listened to Don’t Miss This.  I kept laundry going, listened to my book, and got Alice to preschool.  I napped a little then worked on the blog.  A guy came to take all the fans out of the basement!  I drove carpool.  Bethany found a comfortable way to help me sort laundry. I took Anna to play at Claire’s, then took Ben to baseball. After dinner, I went to book club at Chelsea’s where we discussed the book "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan."  McKenna had a volleyball game and said she played well!  Dan and I folded laundry and he was pretty tired from his training all day! 


May 9th- Tuesday: I got ready for the day and took McKenna (and Alice) to an orthodontist appointment. Kelly Kump drove the kids to school for me. After dropping McKenna off at school, Alice went to the Pugsley’s and the Johnson’s and I subbed in Kindergarten for Ms. Lee and helped out in Ms. Huggard’s while they did theire end of year testing. Once we got home, I picked up McKenna from an after school band practice. The girls played outside and Ben rode his bike. Once Dan got home, we all ate. Dan took Anna to gymnastics and Ben to his mountain biking thing. I took everyone else to McKenna’s choir concert. It was fairly short and her choir sounded so good! They did a medley of Les Mis songs. We're thankful for the family support as well! We got some courtesy cones after. We got the kids to bed and Dan and I worked on blogging and emails. 

May 10th- Wednesday: I drove the kids to school. McKenna had late start. Alice and I went to the gym with Brynn. We had lunch and Alice went to preschool. I napped and then wasted time on my phone till kids got home. They walked to piano. I did some productive things, then got dressed. I picked up Alice. I worked on more things in my room. The four younger kids had dinner. Anna had a primary activity, Ben had baseball and young men’s, and Bethany had dance. McKenna and I went to a combined RS/YW activity. We had nachos and two guest speakers who talked about light! One of them is a relative of Sarah Moulton. I talked a little with Amy Hamblin afterwards. We got the kids to bed and I had a lot to talk about with Dan. 

May 11th- Thursday: I showered and drove the kids to school.  Alice and I went to McKenna’s school for the talent show.  I was supposed to help with crowd control, but I wasn’t really needed.  The talents were pretty awesome though, even though Alice said they would be "boring." ;)  We had some time to kill, so I took Alice to the Jeep Posse park.  Later, we went to the school and I subbed in a Language Arts and Spanish 1 (Ms. Belz) class.  Alice watched shows on the tablet in the corner of the classroom and we played with playdough during prep (while I ate lunch).  I was grateful I could bring her, and she behaved quite well! Bethany had a primary activity, the other kids played outside.  Dan got home and drove McKenna to piano.  We had freezer or leftover stuff for dinner.  Ben had mountain biking.  The rest of us went to McKenna’s band concert.  Dan’s and my parents and Mickelle were nice enough to also come again!  I worked on a grocery order once kids were in bed.  Dan did some work.  

May 12th- Friday: I subbed in Anna’s class!  That was so fun and they are a good class overall! It was really funny that the last time I subbed in Miss Welch‘s class there was a fire drill, and there was another fire drill this time as well!! My voice was so tired by the end of the day. Once we got home, the girls watched shows to unwind, and I drove McKenna and Adrie to Caroline’s for swimming and hanging out all night. The rest of us went to Ben’s baseball game and had pizza there. He didn’t get any hits, but he got walked to base. We went to Arctic Circle for ice cream afterwards. Then we played outside a little. Bethany told us her back has been hurting. Once the girls were in bed, Dan helped his parents with their sprinklers, and I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen a little. We made a list of things to get done for Saturday, then Dan picked up McKenna. Dan finished a week of some intense training to be TBRI certified (trust based relationship inter...).

May 13th- Saturday: Dan took Ben with him to the Zoo as he helped set up a booth for an event. He then took Ben to Caleb’s house to hang out. I exercised, then fed the three little girls. Anna and I went to get groceries and a birthday gift for Yaritza. Anna also had a make-up gymnastics class. We started making cards for grandmas for Mother’s Day. I drove Anna to Layton for the party at Classic Fun Center, and McKenna and Lyla to Lagoon! Dan and Ben went for a bike ride with Ethan West (14 miles!).  Ben cleaned his bathroom. I started weeding, but it started to rain so I waiting the garage a bit. Bethany played with the Moulton girls some. I weeded more and Dan edged. We finished the cards and had dinner together. McKenna went to see "Curtains" at Backstage with a bunch of friends. I cleaned the kitchen and everyone did their showers/baths. We played a few games then put them to bed.

May 14th- Sunday: Mother’s Day! We got to sleep in till 8:30. We ate and Bethany and Alice put on a show for me. We all finished getting ready for church.  The primary kids sang in Sacrament meeting. The RS and YW were combined for the second hour. Abby and Brandie Kossin taught about unity in a marriage. We had lunch, I had a quick conference call, then we stopped by to visit with Dan’s mom for Mother’s Day. We also went to Layton to have dinner with my family. We played a game and the kids started assembling their Crunch Lab Box. We had a great lighting storm to watch on the drive home. We got the girls to bed and I helped Ben start a school project. Dan and I calendared. **I'm so thankful to be a mother to 5 amazing humans! Being a mom is all I've ever wanted to be! I'm so grateful for all my mom overcame for her to be the best mom she could be to me!

May Videos:
BYU Women’s Conference concert, McKenna’s 8th grade band concert

May Videos:
McKenna’s 8th grade Madrigal’s choir concert

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