Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May '23- Week 3- Shopping with McKenna and Alice, Ben's Immigration project, JA in Anna's class, Special Needs Mutual dinner, Webster May Birthday

May 15th- Monday: I subbed again in Anna’s class. I felt like the day went by pretty fast. The temperature in her classroom was really hard to regulate. Also, the whole fourth grade team is very helpful! Dan was able to take care of Alice for the day and she had "sports day" at preschool. I chilled once we got home, and Ben rode his bike and I took him to baseball practice. Dan had a work event at Vivint where kids in foster care could play around on the court. After the girls were in bed, then worked on a school project and McKenna had a volleyball game. It was very close, but they ended up losing.

May 16th- Tuesday: I exercised after the kids left. Alice and I checked McKenna out of school and went shopping at Target for shorts for her. Alice loved the "statues." Alice and I went to Anna‘s classroom so I could teach Jr. Achievment. I had lunch once we got home and then made a lot of phone calls and emails. The kids got home and did reading and piano while I tried to nap. I took Ben to baseball and McKenna had piano. The girls played outside some. I made dinner. Dan took Anna to gymnastics and Ben to a mountain biking event. We played outside after dinner. McKenna also had a quick church meeting to plan helping with a workshop at youth conference. After the girls were in bed, Ben worked on his immigration project. I read over the next Junior Achievement lesson, and Dan did some work. 

May 17th- Wednesday: We finished Ben’s poster immigration project!  Everyone helped and it was fun to learn about an ancestor that immigrated to the United States. I exercised and curled McKenna’s hair after the kids left. I made some phone calls and then got dressed. Alice played with Cooper and Emmy. Alice had pajama day at preschool. I practiced voice. Ben had some wound theater makeup on his arm once he got home. The kids had piano. I napped and blogged a little. McKenna had a track pizza party. Ben did some biking. The kids played outside a little, but it was too hot for them. We had German pancakes for dinner and I had some mishaps with butter (burning it and spilling melted butter). Bethany had dance and Ben had baseball practice. The girls had showers and baths. I picked Ben up and then put the girls to bed. I had a youth conference food committee meeting. Dan worked late because of a work event in Lehi (which was a huge success).  

May 18th- Thursday: I drove the girls to school while Dan took Ben and McKenna to the temple for baptisms. I showered and Alice played with Cooper and Emmy. Alice went to the Cundick’s while I went to my voice lesson. We had lunch and then we went to Anna’s class to teach JA. I drove carpool home. Ben had crochet club. We hurried to get ready for Ben’s baseball game. McKenna stayed home to do homework. We ate chicken salad wraps at the ball field for dinner. Dan came to the game from work and traded me places so I could go to the Special Needs Mutual dinner with the youth. We included the 5th and 6th wards to help with serving and it went pretty smoothly!  Ben also had a mountain biking thing after baseball. I worked on JA and a grocery order while Dan worked some.  

May 19th- Friday: I drove McKenna and friends to school, then I exercised. Alice and I ate and I called the basement repair people. I showered and then Alice and I went to lunch at Swa’s. Brynn and Charlie were there too. Alice had preschool and I went to school to teach the last JA lesson to Anna’s class. I stopped by the store on the way home. I napped a little and worked on finishing the grocery order. The kids got home and Emmy kept desperately asking if Alice could play. McKenna stayed after for a school dance and then went to Nielsen’s with friends. I picked her up and then started making dinner. I took dinner to the Taushalynn and Josh Brown since they just had their baby! McKenna babysat for the Johnsons and Dan and I went to the temple. We got a quick treat afterwards. Ben did a good job babysitting over emotional little sisters. Dan watched some of his show while we waited for McKenna to get home. 

May 20th- Saturday: Dan and I woke up at 7. Dan got to work on taking down Christmas lights. I fed the girls and then went to get groceries and pick up McKenna and Katie from volleyball practice. Ben and Dan went biking!  We bought a new bike for Ben from Dave Mudrow and it's awesome! I put groceries away and then the girls and I went outside to weed. Together, we weeded the whole yard in an hour!  I showered and took Anna to gymnastics then finished getting ready. I took Bethany and Alice and Brynn to a bridal shower for Gavin Nelson and his fiancé Abby.  I got home around 3 and talked with Dan. He fixed sprinklers and mowed while I was gone. McKenna worked on getting the back patio furniture put back together. Dan and I went and bought some ground cover plants. Ben went to Luke’s. Dan and I went with his parents on my birthday date and shopping! So grateful and so spoiled! Anna ended up babysitting some because McKenna hung out with friends. 

May 21st- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. We all ate except for McKenna who ate later. I cleaned the kitchen some, then gave Alice a bath and the girls showered. At church, I filled in during singing time in primary. We had lunch and I had my family call. Dan and I napped. We have Webster family dinner celebrating May birthdays! Jake got a late birthday gift from Brynn and Brian which was a printed shirt with Dan's face on it! :) We got kids in bed late and Dan and I calendared. 

May Videos
Ben baseball, Bethany and Alice dance for Mother’s Day, Alice beat boxing, Ben movie trailer (Goofy faces), Special needs dinner, Mom’s birthday, McKenna Clair de Lune.

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