Tuesday, May 21, 2024

April '23- Week 2- Easter!, Dan Big Work Changes, Deer Clean up, McKenna Volleyball and hurt knee, St. George!

April 8th- Saturday: We got the kids up at 7:30 and they did a quick Easter egg hunt at our house before McKenna had to leave for her first volleyball practice. We ate breakfast and got ready for the day. We went to the Legacy House of Bountiful Easter Egg hunt on the Tabernacle lawn. It was a little snowy/muddy, but fun! We picked up groceries and got a car wash. When we got home, Dan prepped some things for a work event and I put groceries away and made egg salad for lunch. I was shocked ⅘ kids liked the egg salad!  The kids played outside, and McKenna got to go to Lagoon with Adrie for opening day!  I took a little nap. Anna left for Aspen’s birthday party. I blogged and we babysat Quin and Maple Walker. Ben did Minecraft for a long while. We had mac and cheese for dinner. McKenna and Bethany stayed home, while Ben and Alice and I went with my parents to an exotic car show at the Gateway where Dan was working. I picked up Anna from Sayge’s and got the three girls to bed. McKenna had Liza and Adrie over. Dan got home around 9:50 and ate something. Once Ben and Kenna were in bed, we talked more work stuff. 

April 9th- Sunday: Easter! I showered before breakfast. We had bunny pancakes!  The kids all showered and got ready for church. I crimped Anna’s hair. We had a lovely Sacrament meeting. The primary, YW, and Marianna West all sang. We had lunch and an Easter lesson once we got home and took some family pictures. I had my family call then napped. We prepped fruit and went to Webster Sunday dinner.  We also celebrated April birthdays. After we got kids to bed, Dan and I went back to his parents’ house to talk about work stuff and for Dan to get a blessing before talking with Mike in the morning. 

April 10th- Monday: After the kids left, I exercised and got asked to substitute. I quickly got Alice and myself ready. I took her and Meg to LPM, then I went to the school. I subbed in Ms. Albrecht’s 6th grade class. They were very talkative, but still mostly respectful. I subbed the last hour of the day in Ms. Morisson’s jr. high geography class. I drove my own kids home. I picked up Alice and Kaysen from preschool.  Bethany and Alice played outside because it was beautiful weather!  I worked on some phone calls and texts. I picked up McKenna from track, then I took Anna to the store to pick out deodorant. I made dinner once we got home.  Dan had an eventful day at work. He had a meeting with Nikki and Mike where Mike told them he will step down as the CEO.  After dinner, we went outside to clean up deer poop (so much!). Then we went to get ice cream as a reward!  We got the kids to bed and folded laundry and talked about work stuff. 

April 11th- Tuesday: I watched the news after the kids left. Alice and I ate. I Marco Poloed, Alice did Upstart, and then I cleaned the kitchen some. I got dressed, listened to Don’t Miss This, and then Alice and I went to my voice lesson. We had lunch, I napped and wasted time on my phone. Dan attended a lunch for wives of Utah legislators to present to them about Foster Care, and they did a service project for kids in Foster Care. I snuggled the kids when they got home. Anna showed me a sun dial she made. I drove Dan to Enterprise to rent the van for his two work trips of the week. I picked up McKenna from track. She got hit in the nose by a Frisbee at practice and had a small bruise. I made pasta salad for dinner. Anna skipped gymnastics because of a hurt leg. We ate, then Dan took the younger 4 out for a walk. McKenna and I started looking over summer plans. We got the girls to bed. I worked on the blog and Dan did work stuff. 

April 12th- Wednesday: I drove the kids to school. Dan drove to Vernal with Heidi and Lee, unfortunately, to fire someone. I curled McKenna’s hair and after she left, Alice and I went to the gym with Brynn. We stopped for gas on the way home. We had lunch and Alice had preschool. I got caught up on Marco Polo. I showered. The three middle kids walked to piano. I worked on emails and napped a little. I worked on a grocery order while in the pick up line to get Mia. I also picked up preschool kids. Some kids played outside. McKenna came home from track with some road rash from a fall during practice. I went through some of Ben’s baseball stuff to see what fit him. I made dinner then took Ben to his first baseball practice. Mia got picked up. We all ate. Anna had a primary activity. Bethany had hip hop. We had youth activities then went to McKenna's first volleyball game! Dan did baths and showers for the girls. 

April 13th- Thursday: I subbed in Ms. Enquist’s class as the instructor. It was a pretty normal day with reading groups, a math group, and then computers at the end of the day. A boy in Ms. Huggard’s class fell at recess and his glasses broke and cut his head. :( McKenna’s track meet got canceled because of weather. The kids did their piano and we finished packing for St. George. I prepped food. Dan had lots of work calls as the executive board met with Mike to talk about him resigning. We left around 6:45pm. We ate rice a roni in the car. I talked with Dan about work stuff. He had more calls and I listened to my book. The kids did their own thing. We stopped in Parawon for gas. We made it to the AirBnB at 11:30pm and got everyone to bed by 12. 

April 14th- Friday: We got up around 7:30/8. We had breakfast, then got ready to go. We left around 10:30 and first hiked the Aspiration trail. It’s known for its fun /painted rocks. Dan was on the phone quite a bit with coworkers as they found out about Mike resigning.  We had a picnic lunch by the temple.  Dan told the kids about all the changes at work. We spent a little time in the visitor’s center. Next, we went to run and climb around the Dixie Sugar Loaf. Dan had to go help his coworker set up for the race event, so the kids and I swam and played at the condo pools!  I took a progress picture of McKenna's knee. We ordered pizza for dinner, then we played volleyball, basketball, and at the park.  Dan got home around 8:30. We went to Sweet Roll Tacos for a treat!

April 2023 Part 2 Videos:
Webster Easter egg hunt, McKenna Volleyball, St. George, McKenna Track meet!

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