Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May '23- Week 1- BYU Women's Conference, Anniversary, Alice Let's Play Music Recital, Crumble Cookie Delivery,

May 1st- Monday: I drove McKenna to school and then exercised. Alice and I ate and got ready for her last day of Let’s Play Music. I was thankful to have a preview of the recital since I would be missing it due to being gone at Women’s Conference. Alice played outside some with Cooper and Emmy. We had lunch and she had preschool. I napped then got a bunch of emails and calls done. I drove carpool and then picked up meds for McKenna. I started dinner, then worked with Tanner Remington some more for his audition. Dan and Ben rode their bikes to Ben’s baseball practice. Dan stayed and did some work there. We had dinner and folded laundry. I took Anna with me to McKenna’s volleyball game, which sadly, they lost.  Dan packed for his Vernal work trip. 

May 2nd- Tuesday: I drove the kids to school, then took Dan to enterprise for his rental car. He drove to Vernal for the day.  Part of the day's work was cleaning out a work storage unit. Alice and I ate quickly, then went to the Bountiful Ridge golf club to sign Ben and Bethany up for golf lessons during the Summer. We went walking with Rachael, then my ministering sisters, Autumn and Nicole, came over for a visit. Alice got to play with Parley. We had lunch, and then I showered and took a quick nap. I drove carpool. I worked on signing the kids up for more summer activities and the kids did homework and played outside. Grandpa Webster rode his bike with Ben to Ben’s baseball practice. Anna’s had gymnastics, and McKenna had piano. After we ate, the kids played outside some more.  

May 3rd- Wednesday: I drove the kids, exercised, ate, and drove McKenna for her late start. I practiced voice, showered, and fed Alice lunch. She went to preschool, then Dan and I went to lunch at Zupas for our 17th wedding anniversary! We also went to the temple to perform sealings. When we got home, the kids had made us cards and cookies! The kids did homework and played. Dan and I returned his rental car. I made dinner. We ate and Bethany had dance. Dan took the A-team to the Crumble Cookie delivery event at his Murray office. Ben, McKenna, and I went to YM/YW. Ben’s class was in charge and everyone made a commercial using props and making it somehow relate to the Gospel. Once we got home, I packed for Women’s Conference the next day. 

May 4th- Thursday: I got up early and got dressed and finished packing. Anna told us her closet carpet  was wet and we discovered the water heater had burst and was leaking! I felt so bad leaving for women’s conference and leaving Dan to deal with all that mess! He had to shower at his parents', call insurance people all day, and deal with the disaster clean up people. Brynn and I got great parking at the stadium and made it to Provo in great time for the first session. The classes throughout the day were so awesome!  I went to classes about making our home a holy place, the spiritual power of the temple, finding hope and help when struggling with mental illness, and then a discussion panel about parenting moderated by Lisa Valentine Clark.  Brynn and I headed to the Smith Field house to help with the service projects.  We first went to the “school kit” area and noticed some bottlenecks with the actual packaging of the filled backpacks, so we helped, tape, label, and load up boxes onto dollies for about an hour.  Then we went to the Richard's Building to sew stockings for another service project.  We got dinner at the Wilk, and then went to the concert at the Marriott Center. We got to hear one of Ashlyn Owen’s old mission companions Emma Nissen, the Truman Brothers, Simply Three, Nathan Pacheco, and the Bonner Family.  They were all amazing! We headed to Wallsburg to stay the night at Brenda and Dick’s cabin which is gorgeous!   The drive up Provo canyon in the rain was not my favorite, but we survived.  Back at home, I missed Alice’s Let’s Play Music recital and Ben’s baseball game.  But they both did awesome! 

May 5th- Friday: I woke up around 6:15 and showered.  I borrowed a skirt from Brenda’s closet so Brynn and I could attend the Provo City Center temple and do initiatories.  Before we left the cabin, we saw a woodchuck type animal caught in a trap under their deck–- ew!  We did initiatories, then headed to the Marriott Center to hear Sheri Dew speak!  She was amazing! We stayed in there to hear Bonnie Cordon speak next.  I went to a class about partnering with your spouse and the Lord in marriage, Personal Revelation (taught by Mary Delmege’s favorite Professor Cecilia Peek), and a class about the new FSY guidebook taught by the general young men’s presidency.  Brynn met me there for the closing session taught by Camille Johnson.  We had a nice chat on the drive home and I arrived about 7pm.  *Women's Conference was amazing and I loved feeling uplifted and inspired for two days straight! I also really loved being on BYU campus again. :) Dan had a work event, and Ben had baseball practice. McKenna was hanging out with Adrie then they both went to Bridget’s.  I talked Dan’s ear off about the last two days and we both went to bed exhausted.  

May 6th- Saturday: McKenna had volleyball practice. We ate with the other kids. I left to pick up McKenna and Whit and also pick up groceries. McKenna babysat for the Johnsons from 9:30-3 while they were at a funeral. The rest of us went on a bike ride on the Legacy trail. The girls and I stopped to play at a park, while Dan and Ben continued on and biked 12miles!  We had lunch, then went outside to do some yard work. I listened to my book. Anna and Bethany went to play with Ellie Winegar. Ben worked on some homework. Alice played with Emmy Johnson. Dan and I napped, then we went on a date. We ran some errands and ate at Wingers. We went to the church “dungeon” and counted paper products for youth conference. We got the girls to bed. McKenna went to Farmington Station with Adrie, then went to Tess’s and Maddie’s houses. Dan and I worked on a to-do list. 

May 7th- Sunday: Fast Sunday. I got up around 8:30 and fed Alice. I started her bath and Bethany ate on her own because she slept in so long. I showered and did girls’ hair. Dan was in Bridlewood ward most of the day. Ben had ward youth council after. I had a youth conference meeting, then my family call. McKenna helped me make dinner. After we ate, we watched our CFM videos and Relative Race. The girls went to bed. Dan and I hung out with McKenna and Ben. I worked a little on Youth Conference meeting stuff. 

May 2023 Videos- Part 1:
Alice with my phone, McKenna volleyball, Alice Let’s Play Music, Ben baseball

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