Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May '23- Week 4: Part 1-LPA Spring Concert, My 39th Birthday, Alice's Preschool Graduation, McKenna Last Volleyball, Utah Day, Ben Baseball, Ben Lagoon Day, Bethany Zoo Field Trip,

May 22nd- Monday: I exercised after the kids left. Alice and I ate and then I started making dinner for us and the Alexanders (Rachael had hip surgery). Once I finished, it was time for lunch and Alice to go to preschool. I showered and then worked on phone calls, texts, and emails. The kids got home. Dan worked from home in the morning, then took Ben to his math test to see if he could do the advanced math class next year in Jr. High. We all met at Legacy for the Spring concert. Ben had a little solo with the 6th grade orchestra. Anna and Bethany sang with their grades. My parents and Grandma Sibber came. We got courtesy cones on the way home. We folded laundry and got the kids to bed. I worked on downloading Newsies from Backstage’s recording. Dan had to work late. 

May 23d- Tuesday: My 39th birthday!  I ate and watched the news once the kids left. Alice did Upstart and got dressed. I napped a little. Rachael Alexander stopped by with a gift. I started working on my to-do list. I downloaded "Jungle Book," then started moving pictures to the hard drive. I got dressed for the day and listened to Marco Polos. I worked more on the computer and Cooper and Emmy came over to play. Alice and I ran an errand to Smith’s to finish getting teacher gift stuff and my birthday treat. Alice and I had a picnic lunch on the back patio, then we put her teacher gifts together. I took a nap, then worked on putting videos on YouTube. The kids got home and we talked and snuggled. I took Alice to her last preschool parent/teacher conference. Ben went biking. We all went to dinner at MOD Pizza, then we had ice cream cake at home. McKenna went to a quick church meeting. We looked at all of the Legacy kids’ art! They gave me my birthday presents!  We got the girls to bed, I worked on an Instagram post. **It was a wonderful birthday and I felt so loved!  

May 24th- Wednesday: I exercised after the kids left (nice of the treadmill to remind me I'm one year older). McKenna had late start. Alice played a little with Cooper and Alice. We checked out Bethany and Anna early from school so they could see Alice’s preschool graduation.  Grandma Sibber came too! It was a lovely program and she got the award for being the "Most Passionate." We're so thankful for Miss Cami and Miss Angel! Alice and I had lunch when we got home. Ben got home from school and they all went to piano. Alice watched shows while I worked on computer stuff and napped. I talked with the kids when they got home. I met with Tanner Remington to help him with his audition. I made dinner. We ate, Anna had a primary activity, Bethany had dance, and then McKenna and Ben and I left for our youth activities.  The YW went to Legacy House and visited with Dagmar, Mudrow and Val and Ariel Smith. We decorated their doors and sang them a song. McKenna was a little late for her volleyball game, but they won! Dan had interviews during the day for the new Director of Recruitment position (to take his place). After the kids were in bed, I had phone time and Dan worked a little. We did heatless curls on McKenna and Alice was coughing a lot. Anna also lost a tooth!

May 25th- Thursday: McKenna's LAST Day of school! I got ready for the day before breakfast. I took the kids to school and helped in fourth grade for their Utah Day. I was assigned to be in Miss Ziel’s class for the STEM activity. The kids made a marble roller coaster out of paper and tape. I ate lunch outside with Anna and her friends. Ben had Lagoon Day! I stopped by the junior high field day and saw McKenna for a minute. She and her friends went to ice cream. I came home and worked on youth conference food stuff. I picked up McKenna and her friends and then drove Legacy carpool. Dan went to the Zoo field trip with Bethany and Alice for the second grade field trip and then took the girls to work with him. Bethany had a primary activity. I came home and made dinner and then we went to Ben’s baseball game. It was a great game!  He played catcher for a bit and got a kid out at home. He also got up to bat three times and had two hits, and made it home all three times. He also played first base for an inning. We made it home just in time for a big thunderstorm to hit. McKenna was at her friend's house most of the evening and I worked on a grocery order.

May 26th- Friday: I exercised after kids left. A guy came to look at the basement and do the final repair work order. Alice watched shows while I showered. I left to help with field day at Legacy and McKenna and Dan were here at home. Kaysen came over to play with Alice. Field day was not too hot and even cloudy at the end. I helped with the clown ring toss and got to see Ben and Anna. The kids had screen time once we got home and Dan and I went to help chaperone the teenager pool party at Winegar’s for McKenna and friends. Sadly, McKenna sprained her ankle that did not have tendinitis. I came home at 5:40 and took Ben to the Lloyd‘s house for the film club watch party. The three girls and I had dinner and then watched “Shrek.” 

May Videos
Bethany and Anna Spring Concert at LPA

May Videos
Ben’s 6th grade orchestra concert at LPA

May Videos
Alice Preschool Graduation (Expressions Dance and Preschool)

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