Tuesday, May 21, 2024

June '23- Week 4- Ben to Elephant Rock, Ben's Baseball Championship, Temple Open House, Mantua, Anna's BD, Les Mis, Charlie Puth, Golf Camp, Dan's BD

June 22nd- Thursday: Dan and I went to play Pickleball with Brynn and Brian. We each won one game. We went to the park for the girls’ last day of Summer camps. We came home and I went to my voice lesson. Ben went mountain biking with Truman to elephant rock!  I had lunch when I got home, then I went to get my thyroid bloodwork done. I worked on the computer in my room when I got back. The girls hung out together in the basement. I made dinner and Ben ate and went to baseball. We all ate and went to Ben’s game. They won!  Which meant they would go to the championship game with next night. Desi came with us and we got courtesy cones after. We played outside when we got home. Desi and Anna watched Princess Bride.  We got the girls to bed. I worked on a grocery order. 

June 23rd- Friday: I ran 2 miles and enjoyed some quiet time outside stretching.  Dan worked from home and took Ben and Alice to lunch at Costco with Jasper. I ate with the three girls. Ben showered and ate. I started going through Anna, Alice, and Bethany’s clothes!  That job took until 12:15. Desi came over for a bit. We had lunch. I took Ben to film club and picked up Claire to play with Anna. McKenna went to Lagoon with Bridget and Adrie.  I showered and worked on my lesson. The Moulton girls came to play with Bethany. I picked up Ben from Film club and then McKenna from Lagoon. Claire left and we got pizza and headed to Ben’s last baseball game. They won the championship! Ben hit TWO doubles and made it home twice.  I’m so proud of Ben and how much he improved this season!  We went to Cold Stone to celebrate. We played outside when we got home and Dan worked on the kids’ bikes. We got kids to bed and I tried to blog but was too tired. 

June 24th- Saturday: Dan and I woke up at about 6:45 and showered and got ready for the day. We ate and got all of the kids ready to go by 8:30. We drove to the Saratoga Springs Temple open house and met my parents there. The kids were all very reverent as we walked through and the temple was beautiful! Bethany, Anna, and Alice were very snuggly, which I think meant they felt the Spirit because they felt extra love. McKenna said she liked seeing people in the temple who maybe looked like the didn't "belong." People with tattoos and piercings and smelled like smoke. The temple can be for everyone! Afterwards, we ran into Tammy and Wayne Clayton from the stake. We ate snacks and treats on the way to Mantua. I napped a little in the car and looked over my young women lesson. McKenna worked on her talk for Sacrament meeting. We got to Mantua about 12:30. We helped move furniture out of the bedrooms and into the game room so they could get new carpet laid soon. We had pizza for a late lunch, then we worked outside. I weeded and Dan helped build a pergola to go over the pool pump equipment. The kids swam. We worked until about 5:30, then drove home. Brynn took McKenna home earlier to a friend’s house. We ate a little when we got home. Dan hung the street signs he ordered. I helped Bethany and Alice do showers and baths. Anna had a late night with Desi.  Dan worked on his talk.

June 25th- Sunday: We all got to sleep in (except Dan). I ate with the four younger kids. I showered and crimped Anna’s hair.  McKenna spoke in Sacrament meeting about youth conference. I gave the lesson in YW about the Atonement.  Dan spoke in Spring Wood ward about peace.  Ben stayed after for ward youth council.  We had lunch and I had my call. I tried to nap, then started on the chicken for dinner. Dan and Alice napped. We worked on our “Ta-Da” Summer list and watched a few of our videos. We ate dinner, then watched the rest of our videos and an episode of Relative Race. We put the girls to bed, though Bethany and Alice had a hard time. McKenna and Ben helped us with Anna’s birthday prep. Dan and I visited Rachael (and John) Alexander for her birthday. We got home and finished decorating for Anna's Birthday. Dan and I talked. 

June 26th- Monday: Anna’s 10th Birthday! I exercised. Dan took McKenna to work. The girls and Ben ate and got dressed and we took Desi and the Moulton girls to a $1.50 movie “Amazing Maurice.” It was a strange movie that was more about rats than Maurice. We got home and Anna opened two presents from Desi and the Moultons. We had lunch, I made the sloppy joe mix for dinner, switched laundry, and then McKenna, Anna, Bethany and I left for Station Park. We stopped in Old Navy, Bath and Body Works, Claire’s, and McKenna bought Anna a Fizz drink. We got home and everyone changed for swimming at Winegar's. Dan got home and Anna opened her presents. We went to the Winegar pool for a Webster family swim night!  We had sloppy joes for dinner and then ice cream cake and donuts! Dan helped the Johnsons set up an outdoor movie for Tanner’s ½ birthday party.  We got the kids to bed and cleaned up a little. 

June 27th- Tuesday: Dan and I overslept and didn’t make it for a walk. He took McKenna to her work again and I walked around the yard and cleaned up some candy and wrappers from Tanner’s party the night before. I fed Bethany and Ben and took them to their golf camp!  I ate with the A-team, cleaned the kitchen some, then I started cleaning the front porch.  I picked up McKenna and finished cleaning the porch. McKenna worked on her Summer gym class. We had lunch. I measured Anna and did her BD interview. Claire came over to hang out. Bethany played with Brooklyn Moulton. Alice had Philip Pugsley over. I showered. Ayla came to babysit. Anna went to gymnastics and Ben went mountain biking in Park city. Dan, McKenna, and I ate at MOD pizza, then we went to see Les Mis at the Eccles theater!  It was amazing!  I’m so grateful McKenna could go as well! 

June 28th- Wednesday: I ran 2 miles. I took the golf camp kids to golf. Jake Webster was playing there and happened to take see the kids! I came home and ate with Anna’s and Alice. I picked McKenna up from work. I practiced voice. McKenna's friends Olivia and Lia came over. I showered. I did Anna's nails. Dan was at the Governor’s mansion doing interviews for the new Care Communities position. Luke and Harper Voehl came over while Jeanne took Max to a check up. I worked on dinner prep in the crockpot and getting Ben’s tinfoil dinner ready for YMs. The kids played well together and seemed to do a lot of Minecraft. After we took the Voehls home, I took Ben to the church for his young men’s activity. Dan and I ate with the three girls, because McKenna went to the Charlie Puth concert! She said it was amazing! After we ate, Dan left for a church appointment and I did showers and baths with the girls. The young women had an outdoor movie at our house that night watching High School Musical. We talked with McKenna when she got home! 

June 29th- Thursday: I played pickle ball with Brynn, Brian and Grandma. Grandma and I lost every game, but we still had fun. I got ready for the day and Dan took McKenna to her camp job. I drove the golf camp kids and then went to the temple for an initiatory session. I came home and picked up Ben and then picked up McKenna from work. I took Ben to Liv’s house to work on film editing.  I worked on a grocery order, had lunch, then picked Ben up. Kaysen came over to play with Alice. I kept working on a grocery order and napped a little. I also called Mindy Jones to get more information about being an in-house sub at Legacy. McKenna went to Lagoon. I made dinner, and Dan took Ben to Park City for a ride, but they had to come back home because Ben’s bike tire needed repairs. Anna went on her birthday date with grandma and grandpa Webster. I did a little birthday prep for Dan. McKenna went to Adrie’s‘s house. After the girls were in bed, I worked on computer stuff, and Dan and Ben watched the Hulk.

June 30th- Friday: Dan’s 41st birthday! We slept in. I ran 2 miles then took the kids to golf. Dan had a work meeting virtually. Dan and I went to lunch at Santorini’s.  We took Ben to film club. We napped. We picked Ben up, then went to Top Golf (or "golf top" according to Alice) with my parents.  The kids loved it!  We met Mickelle and ate out at Wingers. McKenna went to a friend’s house and the rest of us played outside for a bit. Dan helped Alice learn to ride a big bike. We got the kids to bed and watched “A Man Called Otto.”  A sad but good movie. I’m so thankful for Dan in my life!  

June Videos
More Youth Conference, Car show, YW Karaoke, Anna basketball camp

June Videos
Ben winning Baseball Tournament!, Bill at Mantua, Alice snoring, Anna’s 10th birthday!, Swimming at Winegar’s

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