Tuesday, May 21, 2024

April '23- Week 4- Dan and Ben Shooting, Andrew's Prom, Jonathan here, Alice Children's Museum, Capitol Blossoms, Ben bike ride and Lagoon, Grandma Covid, Dessert at Winegar's

April. 22nd- Saturday: I woke up around 7:40 with a headache and messed around on my phone till 8:30. We talked more with those who were awake at Mantua and then made breakfast sandwiches. We ate, cleaned up, and chilled some more. We started laundry and dishes. Marsha vacuumed. I got dressed. Then we packed up, cleaned some more and left by 12:15. Alice went to Meg Hartvigsen's kitty birthday party. Dan and Ben went range shooting with my dad and Jonathan. McKenna and I ate a little lunch and talked with Dan about Mantua once we got home. I showered and Kenna went to Lagoon with Adrie. The other kids played outside. Dan and Ben took the van to get a car wash and get it ready for driving around Andrew and his prom friends. We drove them as a favor for Dave and Laurie who were out of town. We left at 4:15. Jonathan came to babysit the three girls. We took the group to the Lagoon trail for their pictures. Their dinner was at Tucanos. Dave and Laurie were nice enough to pay for our dinner as well. We then took them to the SLC fairgrounds for their prom!  We picked up Ben from Backstage where he went to see Luke in “Honk.” We came home and got the girls to bed. We headed back out to pick up the prom kids. McKenna went to Lucy’s house to watch "Napoleon Dynamite."


April 23rd- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. The kids and I went to Sacrament meeting on our own. Dan spoke in the Sycamore ward.  Ayla taught in YW about loving our neighbor. I had a youth conference meeting and we went in the dungeon under the chapel to check on supplies. I came home and my family was there for the conference call and hanging out. I got dinner going. After we ate, Jonathan brought this fancy Japanese layers crepe cake, which was delicious! The Layton people all went home so Jonathan could get ready for his flight. We watched our CFM videos and got the girls to bed. Dan and I talked with McKenna about her ankle. 

April 24th- Monday: I drove McKenna to school because of her hurt ankle. I exercised and worked on child care for Alice because I got asked to sub. Alice did Upstart and went to music. I showered and moved pictures to the hard drive. We had lunch, I switched the laundry, then Alice went to the Johnson’s and I went to school to sub. I subbed in Ms. Morrison’s class and taught three periods. Two of the periods were doing country presentations and some of the kids brought food to share. Best day to sub ever! I drove carpool home. I worked on cooking the chicken for dinner. Kids did piano and homework. Dan ran to the store for me for some ingredients. I made dinner for the States family who just had a baby. After we ate McKenna, Ben, and Dan left for McKenna‘s volleyball game. The three girls and I folded laundry and watched "Sleeping Beauty." Then I put them to bed. Dan gave McKenna a blessing to help with her ankle and her anxiety about it. Dan had a phone call with Mickelle and told him about a possible adoption opportunity for her!

April 25th- Tuesday: I drove McKenna to school. After Dan left for work, Alice and I ate and watched the news. We did her music homework, and then we got dressed and left for my voice lesson. We had lunch when we got home and then read books together. I napped a little, and then we had to run to the store to get some popsicles. We picked up McKenna and I dropped McKenna and Alice off at home and headed back to the school for a Jungle Book cast party! Once we got home, I started dinner and worked with Tanner Remington on his audition. I drove Anna to gymnastics, got gas in Dan‘s car, and then picked up Ben from baseball. We had dinner, and then Dan and I had a phone call with my family about Mickelle‘s possible adoption news. We all felt cautious and excited for her. But nothing was final yet. McKenna put the kids to bed. I cleaned the kitchen a little when we were done and Dan did some work late.

April 26th- Wednesday: I showed before the kids left. Alice and I ate and watched the news. I went with Alice to her Children’s Museum field trip. She had a blast! We had lunch when we got home. I worked on moving pictures. The kids got home a little late, so I drove them to piano. I napped, then I picked up Mia. Mia also had activity days. I drove McKenna to the track meet to watch her friends compete. I helped Ben with his book summary. I picked up Mia and she got to briefly play before Adam picked her up. We had leftovers for dinner. Anna had activity days, Ben had baseball, and Bethany had hip hop. McKenna and I went to YWs (a temple walk), and Dan cleaned the Tesla before his parents got home. I worked on clearing pictures off my phone. 

April 27th- Thursday: I exercised before the kids got up. McKenna, Ben, and Dan left early for the temple. I got ready for the day. After McKenna got home, I took her (and Alice) to the doctor to get her ankle checked on. The X-ray didn’t show any breaks, and the doctor diagnosed it as tendinitis. She got a brace and an anti inflammatory to take. We went out to lunch with Dan afterwards to Pier 49 Pizza. I took McKenna back to school, I did some dinner prep, worked on a grocery order, and napped. We picked up carpool. I picked up some meds for Sadie, then picked up Ben from crochet club. Dan got home and took Ben to baseball. I made dinner and took the three girls to the game. They won and Ben got on base twice!  McKenna had piano. After Ben’s game, we all went to the Capitol to see the blossoms! We came home and ate ice cream from our freezer and got everyone to bed. I finished the grocery order. Dan and Ben got haircuts. 

April 28th- Friday: I subbed in 3rd grade in Ms. Higginson’s class and got a nice note. They were more talkative than last time, but still good overall. Dan was able to be with Alice. Once we got home, Dan and Ben left for the Pugsley’s cabin for their father/son fun overnighter! I chilled and napped in my room for a bit. The girls played outside. I took down the porch Christmas lights, then weeded the front circle bed. We had Mac and cheese for dinner, then Claire came over to hang out with Anna. And McKenna had 5 friends come over too. I went back outside after dinner and did more yard work. Claire left at 8:30, and the three girls and I finished watching "Sleeping Beauty."  McKenna’s friends left at 10:30. 

April 29th- Saturday: We got up at 7:30. McKenna left for volleyball practice. I ate with the three girls and then got dressed and put the french toast for the mountain biking event in the oven. We left to pick up McKenna and Whitney, and took McKenna to her training for WX city Summer camps. Dan took Ben to his first bike ride of the season. We met at Legacy Park at 10, but the riders didn’t finish and join us until about 10:45. We ate, talked, and the girls played at the park.  We left around 11:30 and picked up groceries.  Ben went to Lagoon with cousins.  I stopped by Taushalyn’s baby shower then picked up McKenna and Adrie from their training. We did yard work and Dan organized the garage. Ellie and Hazel

came over to play. We found out Grandma Sibber had Covid, so Alice and Hazel heart attacked her door. We took them home around 5:30 and Dan and I went to another taco truck for our dinner date. We ran a couple errands and made it home in time to do baths and showers for the girls. Everyone was in bed by 9:15. Dan and I even got to bed before 11! 

April 30th- Sunday: Alice snuggled us in the morning. Dan had meetings. I fed the kids then showered. We babysat Eli from 10am-4pm while Jake drove back from St. George with his girls from their dance competition. Our 5th Sunday discussion was combined with youth and adults and was about the new For The Strength of Youth pamphlet. We also had a linger longer after church. I went to a youth conference meeting, then hopped on my family call. After dinner, we went to the Winegar’s for dessert with Stewarts, Sam and Lara, and Adam.  Once kids were in bed, I worked on our Nelson News Article. 

April Videos- Part 3:
Alice and Meg dancing, Bethany Hip Hop, Ben shooting, Jonathan babysitting, Alice Children’s museum, Ben Bike event, Ben Lagoon, Ben tramp at Winegar’s

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