Tuesday, May 21, 2024

June '23- Week 1- Crumble 5K, Neighborhood Kid Party, Cousins at Temple, Ice Cream social, Anna Gymnastics, Chalk Art, Grandpa Mike's BD, Hello Dolly, Mountain biking,

June 1st- Wednesday: Dan and I woke up at 5:45 and left at 6:15 to head to Alpine for the Crumble 5K for Foster Care.  We got there at 7:15 and the race didn’t start until almost 9:45, which was kind of torture for me! But Crumble did such a nice job, all for free! We had to do 5 laps around this beautiful park. My goal was to finish in 30mins and I finished in 30:52!  Close enough! I left at 10:45 (Dan stayed), switched cars in Murray at Dan’s office, and then got home about 11:45. Meghan and the kids and I quickly set up for the neighborhood party!  We had about 45 kids come and we played from 12-3:30 when a thunderstorm rolled in!  The carpet cleaners also came!  Dan got home. We found out Ben’s baseball game was canceled due to the weather. I talked with Dan, then changed my clothes. I made dinner and Dan took Ben to his mountain biking practice. We ate, Dan had a virtual meeting, and Bethany and Alice played on the computer. Anna hung out with Desi.  I picked Ben up and he was pretty discouraged with how practice went (he felt slow and embarrassed).  We got the girls to bed and I showered. McKenna hung out with Adrie and went to Whitney’s as well.  *I’m so glad the weather held out for us and we have such great neighbors we love to spend time with!

June 2nd- Friday: Dan and I woke up around 7:45/8. I worked on a grocery order. Dan got ready and worked from home. I fed the kids and then got dressed and met some ladies at the church “Dungeon” to give them paper products for the Tuesday dinner of Youth Conference. Then I worked with Bethany and Anna to clear the counter a bit. I went to my voice lesson. Ben and McKenna went to do baptisms at the temple with Webster cousins. Then they got to go out to lunch with grandpa.  I had lunch when I got home and then we all worked in the basement helping Alice and Anna move back into their room!  Ben went to film club. Dan and I left at 3 to run a few errands including buying some more plants/ground cover for the yard. I finished working on the basement. We had leftovers for dinner. We went to the neighborhood ice cream social. It was so fun to visit with lots of friends. The A-team was so excited to sleep in their beds again! Dan and I calendared a bit. *We documented the bruising progress of McKenna's sprained ankle.

June 3rd- Saturday: We got to sleep in! We ate, I got groceries, and Dan and Ben and Alice started on mowing the lawn. Bethany and Anna went to the Stake Activity Days activity. McKenna helped me weed. We went to Anna’s gymnastics demonstration, then we got Pace bars! She did great! Once we got home, I went to pick up cookie dough to make for youth conference. Dan and did more yard work, which was mostly planting new plants and tying up a sagging tree. We showered and then went to dinner with the Pugsleys.  We went to El Matador and then walked around the Bountiful chalk art festival. There was some great stuff there, even though it had rained. We put kids to bed and I worked on a youth conference shopping list while Dan watched a show. 

June 4th- Sunday: Dan had meetings at Bridlewood. I fed Alice and Bethany then worked on making cookies for youth conference. Anna had a very hard time fasting. I gave Alice a bath. We were a little late for church. I gave the closing prayer.  The three girls had lunch while I made the rest of the cookies. Dan helped me frost them while I had my conference call. We went to Layton to be with my family and celebrate Dad’s birthday.  We got home around 9:20 and got the kids to bed. I worked on youth conf. stuff more. 

June 5th- Monday: We got up around 7:30/8. McKenna and Dan left to get Adrie and go to her first day of work as a counselor at WX city camps doing “Park Pals!” I got dressed. I ate with the kids, set some expectations and left to go shopping at Costco with the Mitchells for youth conference food.  I went to lunch with Rachael Alexander and Erin Yeates. It was good to catch up and visit. I cleaned up a little and kept the laundry going. I rested some and then took Ben and Anna to shop for birthday gifts for friends. I took Anna and Claire to Kingston’s party at Get Air. Ben left with Brynn and kids to go mountain biking in Park City.   I made dinner and Dan got home. I left for “Hello Dolly” at Hale to see my voice teacher perform as Dolly!  She was incredible. Dan and I folded laundry and talked. 

June 6th- Tuesday: We got up around 7:30. I worked on the YC shopping list. I ate with the kids. They got dressed, did piano, and played on the computer some. I worked on Dan’s Father's Day calendar, then showered. There was some fighting before we left for “Little Mermaid,” but we worked it out on the drive.  The movie was great and followed the cartoon very closely!  Once we got home, Anna went to South Davis’s basketball camp and said it was fun! She was grateful Whitney was there helping run it. I worked on a paper calendar for the fridge.  Once Anna was home, we had a pretty good thunderstorm. Ben’s baseball practice was canceled.  I worked more on Dan’s calendar. I made dinner and McKenna helped move the YC cookies to bags. We ate, then Adrie and Caroline came over to hang out with McKenna. Ben had a SS class hang out at the Moss’s. I went to a RS yoga and soda night. I worked more on Dan’s calendar when I got home 

June 7th- Wednesday: I got up and worked on pictures for the calendar. The kids and I ate then got dressed. Ben and Anna went to piano. I worked on pictures. I picked up Ben so he could go mountain biking with Truman and Henry. I picked up McKenna and Adrie from the park. Anna and Bethany and Alice went to play at Stewart’s and Winegar’s. McKenna and I ate, then went to Stewart’s for some ice cream. They kids stayed and played more while I went home and finished the calendar. Anna had basketball camp. I worked on some more stuff on the computer, and then started looking through school papers. I picked up Anna and started dinner. We ate and Bethany had dance. Dan got home and Ben went to Henry Alexander’s birthday party, and McKenna and I went to the youth planning activity. Dan helped the three girls with showers and baths and packing their car bags. I worked more on school papers. We made more packing lists. 

June Videos

Crumble 5K, Rain storm, neighborhood kid party, ice cream social, Anna Gymnastics, Grandpa Mike Birthday, 3 Peaks Lodge Idaho!

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