Wednesday, March 20, 2024

August 2022- Week 1- McKenna and Lia Silks Camp, Reed Temple, Swimming at Winegar's, Youth at Cherry Hill, Primary Activity, Dan's Work Picnic, Two Funerals, Bee's Game, Encanto Camp,

 August 1- Monday: Ben left at 8am with Grandpa Webster and some cousins to go to Mantua to help with some yard work and then swim.  I took Anna and Bethany to Backstage for their first day of Encanto camp. Alice started to have a fever, so she rested on the couch.  I worked on cleaning and mopping and laundry.  McKenna taught her first day of silks camp, session 2, with new girls. They were a little more rowdy than the last group, but still good. Dan went to lunch with Jasper. After Anna and Bethany got home, we had a late lunch and Alice took some meds for the fever, which helped a ton. She seemed back to her normal self. Anna had piano in the afternoon. Ben got home and did his reading and piano. After folding some, I showered, then took McKenna to her friend McKayla’s house for pizza and hanging out. Dan had a work event in Draper at Cowabunga Bay. After dinner, McKenna babysat for the Johnsons, and I went to book club at Jacquie’s house. We discussed “Etched in Sand,” a book about 5 siblings overcoming a horrific and abusive childhood. We got a really good rain storm that night!  

August 2- Tuesday: Dan donated plasma. Alice came in at 5 something with a fever again.  We got back to sleep, then Dan and I went to the temple for Reed’s endowment. McKenna had her silks camp. Ben had piano. We had Santo Tacos with Todd and Alli Parker as a goodbye to them before they moved to the DR. We picked up Anna and Bethany from Backstage. Caleb came to hang out with Ben.  I snuggled Alice a lot while she still fevered. Desi came to play. McKenna hung out with Brinley and took her on a tour of South Davis since she would be attending there in the Fall. I briefly talked with Stephanie Ericson Moger on the phone about the possibility of attending our 20 year high school reunion!  McKenna and I also had the combined youth activity at Cherry Hill, which was a blast!  Dan met with Hailey Christensen and then hosted the boys’ activity days activity.  McKenna and I ate once we got home and got the kids to bed.

Aug. 3- Wednesday: I helped all four younger kids get ready for the day. McKenna taught her silks camp early. Ben and Alice went to a ward primary activity. They went on a trip on the Covenant path! Anna and Bethany went to their Encanto camp. I practiced voice then showered. I made a dessert for the RS activity later. Ben and McKenna went to Grandma camp. Alice had some constipation issues. We picked up the girls and I brought all three to my voice lesson. They hung out on the porch and ate lunch and played on screens. When we got home, Alice finally pooped and then we picked up Bethany’s friend Hallie and then went swimming at the Winegar’s.  Anna had gymnastics. Then Dan and Anna came back and we all had pizza for dinner. Then I went to the RS activity and Dan had church meetings. McKenna went to “Little Mermaid” at Backstage with Lia and Lucy.  We got kids to bed and talked with Kenna. 

Aug. 4th- Thursday: I helped McKenna curl her hair first thing in the morning so she could be a princess (Belle) at Lyla’s little kid camp she was doing. Then I got Anna and Bethany off to Encanto camp.  I made rice crispy treats for McKenna’s final day of silks camp. After that was done, the kids had lunch and I picked up A and Bth, then picked up Mia from Laurie’s house. The kids played great (with the rubber chickens Dan bought for work, and with Mia’s slime) while I napped a little and did stuff on the computer. McKenna read in my room some. We went to Dan’s work picnic at a park in Murray. It was hot, but nice to see everyone. The kids played outside some once we got home. After they were in bed, I worked on my subbing application and looking at old high school pics. Dan looked at VA flights and then met with Bishop on the porch. 

Aug. 5th- Friday: I exercised on the bike and my hip felt fine till I got off. Then I got Anna and Bethany ready to go. I got changed and went to Debbie and Brandie’s mom’s funeral with Amy Hamblin. It was very nice to hear the tributes but it was very hot!  Then we went to see Anna and Bethany perform in their Encanto camp show.  They both did so great! Anna went home with Sayge and they played together. We had lunch and then I took McKenna shopping for Back to School stuff. McKenna went to the Imagine Dragons’ concert that night with Halle Tucker! She said it was amazing and I was jealous! I made a grocery order, then Dan and I went to the Bee’s game while Ben babysat for us.  We even saw Elder Bednar there. We are so blessed to trust our kids home alone! The Bee’s lost horribly, but the weather was so great!  We stopped by Jonathan’s old apartment on the way home to check the smell because he was getting ready to sell it and needed to make sure it was ok.

Aug. 6th- Saturday: I fed the kids while Dan got ready and then picked up groceries. Then Dan and I went to John White’s funeral. It was three hours long and it was amazing!  Such an inspiring life he lived!  The kids played and did well at home. We had a late lunch when we got home. Then we napped and we had a good storm!  McKenna, Anna, and I went to Liv Mortensen’s wedding reception at Wheeler Farm. It was lovely weather after everything cooled off from the storm. Dan and the other kids went to dinner with Grandpa Webster at In N Out. We did baths and Dan gave himself a haircut. 

Aug. 7th- Sunday: Dan had high council meetings before church. I shared my testimony about the two funerals I attended and how I’m thankful for funerals as an opportunity to reflect on my own life. I had a YW meeting during SS. I fed the three girls lunch. Ben and McKenna continued to fast. Ben, Anna, and Bethany made pictures of Jesus for a Stake Primary thing. They also had a primary choir practice. Dan had more meetings. I napped and then had my family conference call. We had dinner and then walked around the temple. Then we went to Dan’s parents’ house for visiting and games. 

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