Wednesday, March 20, 2024

July 2022- Week 3- Bethany's Birthday!, Roller Skating, Tab Choir Concert, Grandma Camp, Ben Sees Moana.

 July 15th- Friday: Bethany’s 7th Birthday!  We woke up at 7, got dressed and went to our last morning devotional. We had a grab and go breakfast and then packed up to leave girls camp. I had McKenna, Julianne, and Brooklyn Ulmer in my car on the way home. It rained pretty hard the whole drive. We hugged and snuggled everyone when we got home and showed them all of our pictures. We opened Boof’s presents, and then Dan got on a work call. We had lunch and I tried to get caught up on emails and GroupMe.  Anna and Bethany left for a movie day at Jake and Abril’s to watch the new Dinsey's "Zombies 3" movie. Ben hung out at Winegar’s with Ollie and Eli. I unpacked and showered but never had time for a nap. Once the girls were home, we left for dinner at In N Out and  Hannah Kossin’s wedding reception! We enjoyed visiting with some ward members there. Then we took McKenna to McKayla’s and we looked and Boof’s baby pictures. Once the three girls were in bed, I did a grocery order and Dan and Ben watched some of the 2nd "Hobbit" movie.  

July 16th- Saturday: Dan and I went to the temple with Jaggar West as he received his endowment. We carpooled with the Moultons. I felt so happy and grateful to be there! Once we got home, we had lunch, then Brynn and Joe briefly stopped by to try Dan’s hiking pack for Joe. I cleaned up and then Dan and I napped. Then our whole family went to the Classic Fun Center for roller skating for Bethany’s birthday! Alice seemed to love it the most, followed by Ben. I only fell once, but man, it hurt!  Dan traded for roller blades and liked that a lot more. Anna wished she had brought her scooter. On our way home, we picked up groceries. Then we had mac and cheese, and my parents came to pick up me and M, B, and A to attend the Pioneer Day Tabernacle Choir Concert. We were lucky enough to have seats on row A and my mom was able to make it down there with the wheelchair!  *McKenna got her phone taken away for poor/mean communication with Ben.  

July 17th- Sunday: Schaefer Paulson gave his homecoming talk in the 7th ward and I got to see Kurtis Laing from my final 1st grade class in 2009.  Bethany gave the prayer in primary. Dan stayed after to give someone a blessing. After lunch, we watched our videos. Then Dan and I had a talk with McKenna about managing herself better (anger, annoyances, words, etc) around Ben. I had my family conference call. While dinner was cooking, I put all my stickers and handouts from camp into a little journal.  After we ate, we went to the Kump’s to visit with other 6th ward members during their “Snack and Stroll.”  We talked a long time with the Kumps and Ulmers and didn’t get home until around 9:45. McKenna took some pretty pictures of the sunset.

July 18th- Monday: Dan and I went walking from. The kids ate. I started laundry, then showered. I drove McK, Brittana, and Korie to their silks camp at Backstage (which McKenna loved even though she was worries about being too easy!). Dan took the other 4 kids to Costco for lunch and ice cream with Jasper. I finished cleaning and making the salad for my ministering sisters lunch. Chelsie Mudrow, Amanda Koldewyn, and Meghan Johnson all came and it was great to catch up. Once they left, I switched the laundry and took a nap. I also made a phone call and did computer time and napped. Alice colored on my phone. Anna played with Desi. McKenna and Boof had a spa day together.  I took McKenna to a doctor’s appt to check on her nausea. He prescribed a Pepcid for gastritis with a follow up in a month.  Dan made dinner and we ate when we got home. McKenna went to hang out with Korie and Brittana and watch "Mean Girls." We finished watching "Big Hero 6" and folded laundry. Then Dan and Ben finished one of the "Hobbit" movies. I worked on my phone and computer and folded and listened to Marco Polos. 

July 19th- Tuesday: I ran two miles and had pretty sore hips having not ran for a couple weeks. I attended the temple to do initiatories. Right before entering the temple, Dan and I got an email that we needed to meet with Pres. Farnes on Sunday. So I said a little prayer and felt calm knowing that every part of my body would be blessed and strengthened in order to fulfill any calling Dan or I receive. I ran a few errands then picked up McKenna and friends from silks camp. Then I took Bethany and Alice to Anna's friend Sayge’s little kids camp she does at her house. They got really cool face paints and had lots of treats and did magic tricks. Lia came over to hang out with McKenna. I got dinner going in the crock pot. Then I picked the girls up. I showered and then took Ben to Backstage to see “Moana” that his friend Luke was in. We got home and had dinner then watched "Relative Race." Dan met with Michael Jordan for their Activity Days calling. I got the three girls in bed and then talked with Ben about auditioning for Backstage’s Fall plays. Dan helped his parents with sprinklers and then we talked about financial stuff.


July 20th- Wednesday: Dan had a scratchy throat but had a negative Covid test. After breakfast, I took the younger 4 to the $1.50 movie, “Boss Baby 2.” It was cute, but not as funny as the first one. Then we picked up McKenna,  Brittana, and Korie from silks. I took my four oldest to Grandma camp. Cousin Abby came over to play with Alice. I worked on blogging. Lola and Mila came home with my kids and played here for a bit. I napped and talked with Kenna more about why her phone was taken away. Once cousins left, we cleaned the basement. After dinner, McKenna and I went to the stake youth activity which was 5 games of 9 Square outside at North Canyon Park.  It was fun to see everyone from girls camp again.  Once we gone home, Dan and Ben were in the theater room. McKenna and I stayed upstairs together. She watched a Marvel movie and I blogged. 

July 21st- Thursday: Dan and I snuggled lots in the morning. After breakfast, Ben and I worked on getting his room ready for my roommates Brittany and her kids to sleep there. I also swept the back patio, vacuumed the hardwood some, and then showered. We had lunch and then went to the Bountiful splash pad with some other Legacy families. We came home and prepped more. McKenna and Lyla hung out. Brittany arrived around 5:30pm. We gave them a tour of the house and then ate together. The kids played in the basement. We got everyone to bed around 9:15 and then chatted with Britt till 11:30pm. She always asks the best questions and I love being with her! 

July 2022 Videos- Part 3:
More girls camp, Bethany’s 7th Birthday, Classic Fun Center Skating

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