Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Oct. '22- Week 1- General Conference, Salmon Run, Pumpkin Walk, School Pictures

Oct. 1st- Saturday- We had our cheesy French Toast for breakfast then watched General Conference. We went on a bike ride on the Legacy Trail and played at a park. We had lunch and watched more Conf. When it was done, Dan and I worked on making dinner and a Keto birthday cake for my mom. We ate all together before the evening session. Then Mickelle came late and we watched it together. We had the cake and McKenna went to hang out with Kayla, Taylor, and Bridget.  Bethany and Alice went home with my parents since they would be babysitting them in the morning. Ben and Anna has showers, then we prepped the basement for hosting Websters the next night for a Conference recap. We made no bake cookies till Kenna got home. 

Oct. 2nd- Sunday- We left our house at 8:30 for the Conference Center. I love attending in person on Sunday because of Music and the Spoken Word. Anna and Ben were lucky and got to sit by Eli and Lola. We got texted by a few friends saying they saw us on the broadcast during the rest hymn. Grandfather’s talk combined with the closing hymn “Let Us All Press On” made me emotional.  We hurried home and changed, grabbed our food and headed up to Layton. We had our muffin tin snack lunch, then watched the afternoon session together. Then we came home, had dinner, and hosted the Websters for a Conference recap and dessert. We cleaned a little and got kids to bed, then calendared. 

Oct. 3rd- Monday: I woke up with LOTS of things on my mind. I immediately started writing a To Do list. After the kids left, I exercised, ate, then Alice left for Let’s Play Music.  Dan and I napped. I picked up Alice and Meg (Hartvigsen). I switched the laundry, Alice did Upstart, I was about to read “Hear Him” and realized it was time to get Alice ready for lunch and preschool. After dropping her off, I ran an errand for Becca Nicholes to Distribution to buy garments for her son Spencer who was getting ready to leave on his mission to England. I went to the post office to mail them to her. I came home and did one more thing on my list, then showered and got caught up on roommate Marco Polos. I drove carpool, then took Anna back to the school for her Jungle Book call backs. I picked up McKenna and Lyla from the school volleyball game. Then I started making dinner. We had sloppy joes and McKenna and Ben had Newsies. Dan gave Bethany and Alice a bath and then we folded laundry. After kids were in bed, I worked on typing the primary program parts and emails for classroom manager stuff. 

Oct. 4th- Tuesday: I watched the news after the kids left, then ate with Alice. She did upstart, and I went in my room and looked over McKenna’s BD wish list and signed Ben up for Jr. Jazz in January. I got dressed and Alice went to the Cundick’s while I went to my voice lesson. We had lunch, she watched "Zombies" while I napped. I snuggled the kids once they got home and everyone did well doing their piano and Hw. Sayge came over to play with Anna for a bit. I took Ben to “James” then stopped by Smith’s for more pork chops. Dan got home from being in Vernal for the day. Anna had gymnastics. We ate a little later than normal. McKenna and Ben practiced Newsies—together!! After kids were in bed, I blogged. Dan talked to Ben about the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. *We got school pictures back!

Oct. 5th- Wednesday: After the kids left a little early for school for Spirit Day (they got paw prints painted on their cheeks), I watched the news, then ate with Alice. McKenna went to a birthday breakfast for Audrey with friends and I drove them to school. Alice and I went to the gym with Brynn. We got Alice ready for preschool, then I showered. The kids got home and went to piano and I napped. I worked on texting people about our Virginia trip plans and I listened to my book club book some. The kids got home and Anna went to Aspen’s to play with her and Aubrey. I worked on dinner. Ben played outside with Bethany and Alice some, but then came in to work on his book project. Ben and McKenna ate and went to rehearsal. The rest of us ate and Bethany had hip hop. I went to YWs where we chalked nice messages on people’s driveways. Dan and I worked on finalizing DC/VA plans.

Oct. 6th- Thursday: I watched the news after the kids left and ate with Alice. Dan and I napped. I had a hair cut with Sarah Stewart. It turned out shorter than I wanted it, but still cute, and Dan loved it.  I saw a dead black widow in our garage. I took Alice, Philip, and Gilbert Pugsley to the park with Lucinda Wade, Ashley Petersen, and Chelsea Chadwick. We briefly got to see the Pugsley's new baby girl. As the bigger Pusgley kids were walking home from school, Abigail fell and scratched her face pretty bad. I took a nap when we got home, then drove carpool. The kids did homework and I worked on a grocery order and played Guess Who with Alice. Ben has rehearsal. Dan made an apple pie from scratch while I made dinner! He had been craving one and a co worker had extra apples from her tree. McKenna had piano. After the kids went to bed, I finished the grocery order. 

Oct. 7th- Friday: Dan picked up groceries after taking the kids to school. I went walking with Rachael, then showered. The Kumps came over so Kelly could interview Dan for a school assignment. I took Alice to preschool and then went to ladies lunch. After that, we packed up snacks and then checked the kids out of school early. We picked up my parents in Layton and then headed to Porcupine Reservoir to see the salmon run. There were way more fish than when we tried a few weeks earlier. We ate dinner at Chick Fil A, then went to the Logan Pumpkin Walk and met Mia, Adam, and Gma and Gpa Webster there. The weather was pretty perfect! Mom felt strong and walked a long the whole way! We got ice cream on the way home. After kids were in bed, we dropped off Dan’s car to Burt Bros. 

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