Wednesday, March 20, 2024

July 2022- Week 4- Brittany Visited, Boy Cousin Hang Out, Pioneer Day in Layton, Webster Sunday Dinner, Silks Camp, Grandma Camp, Splash Pad, McKenna St. George, Mantua

 July 22nd- Friday: I made Pancakes for everyone for breakfast, Britt and I talked more, and the kids played. Then Britt packed up, we took a few pictures, and they left by 10:45am. I took out McKenna’s hair thing from camp and I started a load of laundry. The kids played more and I worked on a grocery order. We had lunch, then Dan and I took a nap. We took Ben and all the boy cousins to Jake and Abril’s house for a boy cousin hang out. Dan and I ate at Costa Vida, walked around Carhart, then tried to pick up groceries, but the order didn’t process. So we got a few things in the store, then headed home. We hosted an outdoor movie and watched “Night at the Museum” and had about 30 people come. I'm thankful the weather was nice!

July 23rd- Saturday: Dan and I did yard work together. I weeded and he edged. Then he went to breakfast with some RMs from the ward. The rest of us ate and then watched the Pioneer Day parade at home. After lunch, we went swimming at the Gunnerson’s for a couple hours. We came home and the kids had baths and showers. Dan and Ben got haircuts and Dan also cleaned the shower drain. We went to Layton to visit my parents and Mickelle. We had pizza for dinner and then the kids played the Switch and we played with their new Oculus Virtual Reality.  We watched an episode of “So You Think You Can Dance" and watched my dad do a few card tricks. Then we went outside to do sparklers and small fireworks. We got home by 10:30pm.

July 24th- Sunday: Pioneer Day! My dad sang in his ward and we were able to watch over Zoom. Our Sacrament meeting was 4 talks about girls camp and it was awesome to be able to relive those events once again. Abby taught a great lesson in YW about temples. After lunch, Dan and I met with Pres. Farnes about Dan receiving a new calling to the High Council!  We watched our Line Upon Line videos. Then I took a quick nap before my family conference call. We cut up fruit and then went to Webster family dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s. We celebrated July Birthdays! Once kids were in bed, Dan and I calendared. 

July 25th- Monday: Dan and I woke up kind of early, then went walking. Dan took McKenna and Ben to get BD gifts for friends. Then McKenna went to silks and the rest of us went swimming at the Novak’s since Dan didn’t have work. We got home for lunch and then McKenna hosted her first silks camp for kids at our home!  I helped her since Lia couldn’t come the first day. The little girls did great and they had fun!  Then I did some things on the computer and napped and Dan taught the other kids how to play Chicken Foot with the dominos. McKenna went to Bridget’s birthday party, which was paddle boarding and kayaking at Causey Reservoir. Bethany had her BD date with Grandma and Grandpa Webster. Anna had an older girl cousin movie night at Jake and Abril’s. Dan and I took Ben and Alice to dinner at Winger’s. Then we went to fill up the van and get a car wash. We got Boof from grandma and grandpa’s then put kids to bed. We sat on the porch and enjoyed the evening. 

July 26th- Tuesday: Dan donated plasma. I went for a run but my right hip was hurting quite a bit. After breakfast and a shower, we had three friends come over for play dates with Ben (Garrett), Anna (Emi Atkin), and Alice (Kaysen).  I listened and got caught up on Don’t Miss This.  Friends left and we had lunch. Dan got home from Ogden. McKenna had her silks camp. I napped a little. The kids had a lot of screen time. Dan and I took a nap. After dinner, McKenna got to do baptisms at the temple with Webster cousins. Anna had a swimming primary activity at the Novak's.  I worked with Ben on an audition song. We had creamies in the driveway after the kids got back from the temple. We put kids to bed and sat outside again while I tried to clear space off my phone. 

July 27th- Wednesday: After breakfast, the kids got ready for the day and I showered and had a voice lesson. I drove McKenna to silks. The kids had grandma camp and painted flower pots and and planted succulents in them. They also melted pearler beads. McKenna hosted her silks camp with Lia. I played “Guess Who?” with Alice (a very popular game right now in our house). Then I blogged and took a nap. Ben went to Greyden’s birthday party (water play in Huntsville and video games in Sandy).  Anna played with Desi. I did more blogging. After dinner, we went to Cold Stone with all the girls. We played on the tramp some and then did baths while Dan checked the blog. After girls were in bed, Dan and I left to pick up Ben. Bethany was up late. I iced my hips. 

July 28th- Thursday: Dan donated plasma. The kids and I all ate and got ready for the day. McKenna had her last day of hosting the kids’ silks camp.  Parents came for a little demonstration/performance. As soon as they were done, we took Lia home, picked up Taggart, took McKenna to Backstage, and then went to the Foxboro splash pad. Chelsie Chadwick and Erica Day were there too. We played till 1pm. McKenna left with the Winegars (and Katie Stewart) for St. George to see “Joseph” at Tuacahn!  The rest of us had lunch, then I had a productive afternoon on the computer. Ben went swimming at the Novak’s with the Lewises and Henry.  The three girls played and watched shows. When Dan got home, he had a quick phone call with Bro. Dave Lewis to pass off some High Councilman responsibilities.  After dinner, the Wests stopped by to talk about us hosting Jaggar's luncheon after his farewell talk.  We put kids to bed and then looked at flights to VA. 

July 29th- Friday: I went outside from 8-9 to do yard work and listened to my book. After I ate with the kids, I reached out to some VA friends about my upcoming 20th high school reunion, then went back outside to finish weeding. The kids got dressed and read and did piano and then played and had lots of screen time. After lunch, Dan and I napped. Then we cleaned up the upstairs. We took dinner to the Hernandez family, then Dan and I went on a date and picked up groceries. We cleaned up more when we got home, then put kids to bed. We had the Pierces, Nelsons, and Tanner West over for a game night outside. We played Skyjo and Double Ditto. Alice came up late and said her legs hurt. 

July 30th- Saturday: We left for Mantua by 9:30am.  I drove and listened to my book while Dan worked on his talk. The kids swam and we talked with Adam when we got there. We did a little trade and brought Eli and Lola up with us and Bethany came up later with Jake and Abril's family. After lunch, we all swam more. Brynn and her family came around 3:30. We helped clean up some and left by 4:30. We got dinner on the way home. McKenna made it home from St. George around 4:30. After baths, Jaggar and MaryLyn came by to help us set up stuff for his lunch the next day. We watched "Relative Race" then put kids to bed. I got back on Instagram after being off the whole month of July. I unfollowed a bunch of people and I’m going to manage my time on there much better!  

July 31st- Sunday: Dan was sustained to the High Council! He also spoke in Sacrament meeting with Jaggar West for his farewell.  The youth were combined with the bishop for a 5th Sunday lesson. We hosted Jaggar West’s luncheon which went very well!  They all left by 2:30pm. We watched our CFM videos. I had my family conference call. President Wendell came over, as well as Dan’s parents, to set Dan apart. The girls painted their nails and we had leftovers for dinner. Then we went to Dave and Laurie’s for Reed’s ordination to become an Elder. We hung out and had popsicles and talked for a while. After kids were in bed, Dan and I calendared. 

July 2022 Videos- Part 4:
Stake youth activity, swimming at Gunnerson’s, playing the Oculus at Thompson’s, Pioneer Day fireworks, swimming at Novak’s, girls on tramp, McKenna’s silks camp routine, splash pad, swimming at Mantua.

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