Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Sept. 2022- Week 1- Bethany check up, Subbing, Jonathan here, McKenna Bear Lake, Splash Pad, Dan's Mancation to FL, Labor Day at Mantua and Condies, Alice Preschool,

Sept. 1- Thursday: Dan left by 5:45am for the Webster Mancation to Florida for the first away University of Utah football game. After I took the kids to school, Alice and I ate and got ready. Then we picked up Bethany from school to go to her seven-year-old well check. Alice was super grumpy on the way. The only concern I had was Bethany‘s speech/articulation and the possible need to have her tongue clipped, which he recommended also.

Bethany Stats

Height: 46.5in (2.8in increase in 1 year) 25th%

Weight: 41lbs (2lb increase in 1 year) 8th%

After taking Bethany back to school, Alice and I got gas in Dan’s car. We had lunch and then I took a nap and made some phone calls and did computer things. I drove carpool but there was an alarm going off at the school that caused some confusion and Leela had a hard time finding the group. Bethany had dance, Ben had rehearsal, McKenna had piano. After dinner my parents and Mickelle and Jonathan stopped by on their way home from the National Parks down south. there was terrible traffic northbound due to the road buckling in the intense heat, so it was nice for them to chill here while the roads cleared out. We packed lunches, and I got kids to bed, I called Dan, and then worked on a grocery order.

Sept. 2nd- Friday: McKenna taught CFM about using a “soft answer.” Jonathan picked up Alice at 7:15am to babysit her. I subbed for the first time in Ms. Jacobs’ 5th grade class! The kids were pretty good. There were two stinker boys who kept apologizing but never changed their behavior. I was surprised there was lots of tattling and countless bathroom breaks for kids that in 5th grade! They also still whined they were hungry and someone had a bloody nose. The plus side was I got to see and hug Ben, Anna, and Bethany during the school day! Once we got home, McKenna packed to go to Bear Lake with Adrie Loveland. The rest of us left at 4:30 and went to Layton for the evening. McKenna left after us and accidentally left the garage door open.  The kids played Mario Kart for a bit. Jonathan came with me to get tacos for dinner. We ate and then watched Rocketman on Disney+. I talked to Dan for a bit. Sarah Moulton texted me to tell me the garage door was still open. So Jonathan drove home with us to check out the house to make sure it was all clear. He also stayed while I tucked in the kids. 

Sept. 3rd- Saturday: Alice came in at 7:15, we snuggled for a bit, and then she threw a tantrum that she couldn’t have my spot in my bed. After breakfast, I got dressed and picked up groceries. The kids played nicely together. Ben and I worked on cutting out paper feathers for Alice’s preschool "thankful headbands." After lunch we went and saw "Super Pets" at the theater. Once we got home, I started making German pancakes for Sunday dinner and the girls played and Ben watched football. We ate mac & cheese and then met cousins at Blacksmith Ice Cream and then played at the splash pad.  I gave the little girls a bath once we got home and once everyone was in bed I did dishes and did more cutting projects for preschool. McKenna got home from Bear Lake around 10:15. She had a great time but was coming down with a runny nose. 

Pictures from Dan's trip! 

Sept. 4th- Sunday: Dan got home around 10!  We all went to church except for McKenna so she could rest and get better. I had a presidency meeting for YW during SS. Meghan Johnson got called to be in YWs too! Those who were not fasting had lunch, we watched our videos then Dan and I napped. I had my conference call. Then we got ready for my family to come over. We had German pancakes and Keto French toast for dinner. Then we played the Okulus. Once the three girls were in bed, I went over CFM with Ben and McKenna. Then Dan and I planned some stuff for the VA trip. 

Sept. 5th- Monday: Labor Day. I exercised and did my PT for my hips. Anna and Bethany cleaned and organized their room a little. I helped them and got the cleaning bug! Then we left for Mantua at 9:45 and got McDonald’s breakfast on the way. When we arrived, most of the adults were working on organizing and cleaning the garage and the boat. I got to shop vac most of the garage perimeter which was super satisfying with all the webs, bugs, and mouse poop. We had lunch and then swam!  Some of the adults also worked on sealing the new wood posts for the shade sails. We left around 3:45 and stopped for gas. Then we drove to Grandma Pat’s house for a visit. We brought pizza for our dinner. We talked about good books and old stories of Grandma and Grandpa. We loved seeing the turkeys in the yard as well. We got home and the kids got ready for school the next day. Dan helped me with the tax forms for subbing and I texted invites for an outdoor movie. 

Sept. 6th- Tuesday: After the kids left for school, I watched the news and had phone time. Alice slept in till 8:30. After breakfast, I showered and Jonathan came over to babysit while I went to the dentist and to my voice lesson. We had lunch together and then he left.  I napped a little and did some reading. I picked up McKenna and then prepped dinner and kept the laundry moving. Ben had rehearsal and I finished the cutting project for Alice’s preschool. After dinner, we folded laundry and Ben got home and ate. He and I talked about auditioning for Newsies and the girls played outside. Dan took his new suit in to be altered. After kids were in bed, I worked on the audition forms and conflict calendars for "Newsies."  

Sept. 7th- Wednesday: McKenna had late start and we curled her hair. I went to the Power Tone class with Brynn.  Alice and I ate, then I took her for her first day of preschool!  She was excited and ready to go!  I came home and showered and took a quick nap then left to hear McKenna’s Madrigals choir sing the the National Anthem at the Jr. High Volleyball game. They sounded great!  Then I picked up Alice and the other kids at piano. Anna had gymnastics. I quickly made dinner, then headed to Physical Therapy. She used a blade looking tool to scrape at the muscles and it ended up bruising my butt. I dished up my dinner, then left for YW, which was a combined activity to the Layton Family History Center.  Dan took McKenna and Ben to audition for Newsies, then did baths and showers. 

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